Become a Member of the KIT Industry Experts Network

As trustworthy experts with sector knowledge, you will support the team of the Technology Transfer Office and the KIT scientists in various ways, especially in the selection and development of market-relevant innovation and transfer projects. If you feel connected to KIT, have profound knowledge of the industry, and would like to invest time as a volunteer to advance research, we would be very pleased about your commitment as KIT Industry Expert.

On the one hand, the following questionnaire serves to get in contact with you. On the other hand, it enables us to best assess your experience and interests and to know how you would like to support us. Please fill in the questionnaire completely if possible. The more detailed your information is, the more successful our cooperation will be.

If you have any questions regarding the admission to the KIT Industry Experts Network, please contact your contact person

Application form

Reference to voluntary work All activities within the KIT Industry Experts Network are carried out on an honorary basis, personally, voluntarily, and free of charge in the sense of "civic engagement". Therefore, there is no entitlement to be admitted or to remain in the network.
Your contact details
* Salutation

Your relation to KIT
* Reference to KIT

Your expert profile
* Current professional status
(At least one entry required)

Your current activity Please give us some information below about your current job (Note: If you are not currently employed, please refer to your last job):
Your past professional experience Below you can specify optional information on past professional experience that might be relevant in the context of membership in the KIT Industry Experts Network.
Further Information for the KIT Industry Experts Network
* Please indicate in which areas you have previous experience

Readiness for commitment
* In which opportunities to get involved , are you interested and have resources available?

Many thanks for your commitment!
Conditions of participation & privacy statement
* Conditions of participation & privacy statement

Click on "Preview" to check and send your information on the next page.

* required fields