The KIT Business Club

The platform for people of science and business people

More than 5000 scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are constantly working to develop new promising technologies for industry and society. At the same time, companies are showing a growing demand for new ideas and innovative products. The KIT Business Club has made it its mission to bring these two worlds together so that they can benefit effectively from each other.

Due to the close connection to the KIT Executive Committee and the organizational embedding in the KIT Innovation and Relationship Management, the employees of the KIT Business Club are the central contact persons for information and contacts in the entire KIT.

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Frank Drechsler, Head of Technology and Innovation Management, Witzenmann GmbH

"The KIT Business Club offers me the right contact for my questions and valuable suggestions for our technologies."

Dr. Max Riedel, Head of ZEISS Innovation Hub @ KIT, Carl Zeiss AG

"The Business Club is the 'one-stop store' for all our questions, requests and suggestions at KIT. This makes it an essential building block of the strategic partnership between KIT and ZEISS."

Christoph Winterhalter, former Group Vice President, ABB Automation Products GmbH

"The KIT Business Club is the right place to go to build a strategic partnership between industry and academia."

For prospective Members​

You are interested in becoming a part of the KIT Business Club? Are you looking for cooperation partners for the further development of your products, services, or processes? With the KIT Business Club, you expand your strategic network, receive detailed matchings, and strengthen your cooperation with KIT. In a first step, we are pleased to offer interested companies a Technology Speedmatching to evaluate possible cooperation subjects. Give us a call or send us an email.

For Members

In our login area, member companies can find documents and presentations of the KIT Business Club events. You do not have the user name and password, yet? Please contact us: kit-business-club∂ . We will be happy to send you the the data.


Solventum/3M Healthcare Germany GmbH is a new member

The KIT Business Club team is pleased to welcome Solventum/3M Healthcare Germany GmbH to the company network as of May 1, 2024. We are looking forward to closer networking and the upcoming cooperation. A warm welcome to Solventum/3M Healthcare Germany GmbH.

Theme day
"What if ... - research on the digital twin at KIT"

On May 7, representatives from 16 companies visited KIT to find out more about research into the digital twin. Inspiring thematic impulses, illustrative guided tours and a start-up exhibition awaited the guests on the day. The event provided participants with in-depth insights into the development of digital solutions and information technology fundamentals for the use of digital twins. There were also numerous opportunities for networking between the companies, KIT and the start-ups. We would like to thank everyone involved and all participants and are already looking forward to the next event. 


On 26 March, representatives of 3 start-ups from KIT and around 22 companies from the KIT Business Club met to discuss the expectations and challenges at the interface between young start-ups and established organizations. The inspiring impulses and intensive networking focused on topics such as the maturity of technologies, pricing and business models as well as the flexibility and speed of initiating partnerships.
