Private donations

There are many reasons why you might decide to contribute your share to the Deutschlandstipendium and support one or more students during their studies. Whether you donate a whole scholarship or any partial amount for a scholarship - you are contributing to the development of our society.

Advantages for private sponsors

  • They give Germany a perspective for the future.
  • They support talented KIT students.
  • You participate in the ceremonial presentation of the scholarship (1 scholarship or more).
  • You can claim the scholarship as a donation for tax purposes.
  • KIT publicly acknowledges your commitment.


Please contact us or transfer your donation directly to the donation account.

Alumni donations

Jetzt spenden!

Sparkasse Karlsruhe

Kontoinhaber: KIT-Stiftung

IBAN: DE81 6605 0101 0108 1662 24

"Deutschlandstipendium KIT" + Ihre Adresse