Get to know professions, make contacts and build networks

The JOBTalk offers an exchange between study and practice. Different companies each present two professional fields in a specific area of work, e.g. IT security or consulting. The company representatives talk about their professional experience, company culture and challenges. The event is designed to help you get your career bearings and find out whether one of the job profiles could be the right career choice for you in the future.

In small group discussions, students can clarify important questions about their choice of career and specialization as well as career prospects in the company. The final get-together offers the opportunity to make contacts for internships or job entry opportunities in a relaxed atmosphere.

How does a JOBTalk work?

1. short presentation of the participating companies (max. 4) incl. highlights by a specialist from the company
2. division into small groups for discussions at the company tables
3. two job profiles on the overarching topic of the JOBTalk will be presented per company and your questions answered (duration 20 minutes per group).
4 And so it goes on with your group from company table to company table.
5. further networking at the subsequent get-together.
6. exchange of contact details or information about internships etc. if both parties are interested.