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All things LinkedIn

Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2024, 9:30-12:30
Zoom, Link after registration

If you have been on LinkedIn for some time now, you do know, that it’s one of the best ways to get hired but also to build a professional network and personal brand. But getting started on LinkedIn can be overwhelming. Having a profile and connecting with others is merely scratching the surface.


You may have also heard the following statement: “It not what you know, whom you know.” The second part of that statement is especially true. Even though job search networking is one of the most successful ways to find a new job, it can sound intimidating and sometimes sezems a little bit scary. It doesn't have to be.


So, if you’re looking to take your job search to the next level and leverage your LinkedIn profile to build to network with the right professionals this workshop is for you. In this workshop, you will learn


  • Importance of LinkedIn and your LinkedIn profile
  • Difference between your LinkedIn profile and resume
  • Step by Step walkthrough of all sections of your LinkedIn profile
  • Important privacy settings to keep an eye out for
  • Finding the right opportunities on LinkedIn
  • Building, nurturing, and expanding your LinkedIn network


This workshop is held in English and funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International degree seeking students and graduates* are given priority for a place. Available places can also be filled by non-international students.


*If you graduaded maximum one year ago at the KIT and have no longer your "u-account" to enrol for this event, please contact julia neer does-not-exist.kit edu to enrol.

Fareen Shaikh
Frau Julia Neer
KIT Career Service und Alumni
Innovations- und Relationsmanagement (IRM)
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Straße 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608 - 46988
Fax: +49 721 608 - 44343
E-Mail: julia neer does-not-exist.kit edu