

Know your worth : Salary negotiation workshop

Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2025, 9:00-11:00

Do you want to get more of what you want? Nobody is a born negotiator, it is a learned behaviour. However, everyone is a negotiator as we negotiate every day both in business and in our everyday life. Negotiations are like any other sport, if you practice it daily you can become a good negotiator.


By enhancing your negotiation skills, you can get more of what you want. Salary negotiations are one of the most important negotiations you will encounter in life as it has a part in creating your future why should you settle for less if you could get more? Learning the fundamentals of negotiation is thus essential.


This workshop will be focused on salary negotiations in particular and covers the fundamentals of:

 Understanding and addressing the common negotiation hurdles

  • Components of a job offer
  • Principles and preparation of salary negotiations
  • Communication during a negotiation
  • Best practises, techniques & scripts


Please make sure that you can take part actively, that means, using your camera and microphone.


This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.

Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.

Fareen Shaikh
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