
Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Wann: 6. - 7. Mai 2025, 12 - 17 Uhr
Wo: Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Was: Job-Open-Air für Studierende, Promovierende, Alumnae und Alumni des KIT
Wer: 100 Unternehmen und Institutionen pro Tag aus verschiedenen Branchen

Eintritt: frei und ohne Anmeldung!
Das KIT feiert und wir feiern mit! Das erwartet dich 2025 bei der KIT-Karrieremesse:
insgesamt 200 Unternehmen, so viel, wie das Jubiläum Jahre hat! Es erwarten dich wechselnd an jedem Messetag 100 Aussteller aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen entspanntes Open-Air-Flair für den Austausch auf Augenhöhe farbige Fachrichtungs-Sticker für die optimale Orientierung Beratung zu Lebenslauf & Co, Info-Talks und Tipps rund um Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg im offenen Studi-Zelt des Career Service jeden Tag ein leckeres Gratis-Essen* von ausgewählten Food-Trucks (*Foodcoins gibt es gegen Vorlage der KIT-Card/Studierendenausweis und nur solange der Vorrat reicht) ab März 2025: aktuelle Stellenangebote und Online-Unternehmensprofile der Messe-Unternehmen im Career-Service-Portal  
Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch!
Isabelle Schwarz, Angelo Bonelli, Betelhem Fekade, Recruiting Deutsche Bahn
Der Weg zum Traumjob beginnt mit einer überzeugenden Bewerbung!
Beim Bewerbungstraining am 13. Mai 2025 erhältst du wertvolle Tipps zu Lebenslauf, Anschreiben und Vorstellungsgesprächen, um dich bestmöglich auf den Bewerbungsprozess vorzubereiten. In interaktiven Übungen lernst du, typische Fehler zu vermeiden und deine Stärken professionell zu präsentieren.
Bewerbungsexpert:innen aus dem Recruiting der Deutschen Bahn geben dir individuelles Feedback und praxisnahe Einblicke, damit du selbstbewusst in deine nächste Bewerbung gehst. Das Training richtet sich an Studierende aller Fachrichtungen und bietet die ideale Gelegenheit, sich optimal auf den Berufseinstieg vorzubereiten. Melde dich jetzt an und stelle die Weichen für deine Zukunft!
Diese Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Bahn AG statt.
Building 11.40, Room 231
Julia Neer, KIT-Career-Service
LinkedIn is more than just an online resume—it’s a powerful tool for networking, job searching, and building your personal brand. Whether you're looking for an internship, a full-time job, or just want to expand your professional network, this session will help you make the most of LinkedIn!
Join us for an interactive workshop where you'll learn:
How to create a professional LinkedIn profile that stands out Strategies to connect with recruiters, alumni, and industry professionals How to use LinkedIn effectively for job and internship searches Best practices for messaging recruiters and increasing your visibility  
This session is designed for international students and graduates who want to improve their career prospects and make valuable connections in the job market. No prior LinkedIn experience needed—just bring your curiosity and a willingness to learn!
Don’t miss this opportunity to take your career to the next level! 
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
 Non-international students can enroll on the waiting list and will be informed a few days before start if they can attend. 
Building 11.40, Room 231
Meike von Platen-Holzapfel
This interactive workshop is one of two sessions, facilitated by Meike von Platen-Holzapfel, experienced HR specialist and career coach. With her tips and insights, international students can kick-start their careers in Germany.
Here’s a summary of what you can expect to gain from it:
Understand what to expect in a job interview and gain insights into the employer’s perspective Learn the dos & don’ts of job interviews in Germany and how to handle critical situations Present yourself effectively, both verbally and non-verbally (including dress code) Prepare to answer difficult questions, including those about  salary Utilize a checklist for thorough preparation and follow-up  
This workshop will prepare you to convince in job interviews in Germany.   This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
KIT, Campus Süd
Gebäude 11.40, Tulla-Halle …
Wie führen Frauen? Wie kann für sie der Weg in die Führungsposition aussehen? Und welche Herausforderungen warten auf weibliche Führungskräfte? Bei einer Podiumsdiskussion berichten Alumnae des KIT in Führungspositionen von ihrem Weg und davon, wie sie Hürden gemeistert haben. Darauf folgt Zeit für Fragen und zum Networking. Ein inspierender Abend auf Augenhöhe - für Studierende, Alumnae und Alumni und alle, die neue Perspektiven und Austausch schätzen. 
Xiaoqun Clever-Steg; BHP: Member of the Board of Directors
Svenja Huber; TRUMPF: Head of Supplier Management EUV 
Anja Neubert ; Bosch: Director Divisional Strategy
Veranstaltungssprache: Deutsch 
Fareen Shaikh
Do you want to get more of what you want? Nobody is a born negotiator, it is a learned behaviour. However, everyone is a negotiator as we negotiate every day both in business and in our everyday life. Negotiations are like any other sport, if you practice it daily you can become a good negotiator.
By enhancing your negotiation skills, you can get more of what you want. Salary negotiations are one of the most important negotiations you will encounter in life as it has a part in creating your future why should you settle for less if you could get more? Learning the fundamentals of negotiation is thus essential.
This workshop will be focused on salary negotiations in particular and covers the fundamentals of:
 Understanding and addressing the common negotiation hurdles
Components of a job offer Principles and preparation of salary negotiations Communication during a negotiation Best practises, techniques & scripts  
Please make sure that you can take part actively, that means, using your camera and microphone.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Julia Neer, KIT-Career-Service
Are you looking to gain work experience in Germany but don’t know where to start? This workshop is for you!
We will give you an overview of the German job market, show you the best job search strategies, and help you create application documents that meet German standards. You will also learn how to use networking effectively to access hidden job opportunities.
What to expect:
Overview: Internships, student assistant jobs and working student positions in Germany German application standards: How to write a CV and cover letter Job search strategies: Where to find opportunities and how to apply Networking: How to use LinkedIn, career fairs and alumni networks Practical tips & Q&A for your individual job search  
Sign up now and take the first step toward your career in Germany!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Sarah Grötzinger, Career Coach, Trainer and former recruiter
Finding a job or internship in Germany as an international student can feel overwhelming—but it doesn’t have to be!
In this 30-minute webinar + Q&A, you’ll learn 10 essential steps to successfully navigate the German job market, including:
Discovering yourself – clarify your career goals, strengths, skills, and motivation to create a clear job search  strategy Smart networking strategies to connect with the right people and expand your opportunities How to go beyond job boards and access the hidden job market in Germany Key steps to position yourself as a strong candidate for German employers  
Get insider tips, ask your questions, and take control of your career path in Germany!
Join us and start building your future today  
  This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Sarah Grötzinger, Career Coach, Trainer and former recruiter
You’ve secured a job in Germany—now what? Standing out and making an impact in the workplace is key to unlocking promotions and future career opportunities.
In this 30-minute webinar + Q&A, you’ll learn proven strategies to create visibility and position yourself for success, including:
Building your professional brand – identify your strengths, expertise, and unique value in the workplace Standing out in meetings – communicate with confidence and make your contributions count Fact-based self-promotion – showcase your achievements in an authentic way that feels natural, not boastful Taking on new challenges strategically – seize opportunities that accelerate your career growth  
Learn how to get noticed for the right reasons and set yourself up for long-term success in Germany!
Join us and take your career to the next level!
  This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.