
The foundation KIT-Stiftung supports research, teaching, innovation and academic life at KIT.
The joining of the University of Karlsruhe and the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe has created a unique institution in the German and international scientific world: The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Excellent science needs continuous support - for outstanding research, excellent teaching, a globally oriented culture of innovation and a lively academic life. With this in mind, private individuals and companies have jointly established the KIT-Stiftung. The KIT-Stiftung Foundation promotes the promising work of scientists, supports students and implements outstanding projects. The KIT Foundation is transparent, efficient and personal. It is open to all interested citizens and companies and offers innovative forms of private commitment to science for the new and old friends and supporters of the KIT.
Further information can be found on the Homepage of the KIT-Stiftung.