ETCS points and crediting
General information from Femtec
All scholarship holders who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate together with a Diploma Supplement at the end of the program, certifying their participation in the individual modules and the total amount of 16 credit points (ECTS points). The entire scholarship comprises approx. 400 hours, of which 128 hours are in workshops and exercises as face-to-face events. Scholarship holders can have the work they do during the programme officially recognized at their current university or in a future degree course. The Career-Building Programme is accredited by the organization FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation).
KIT students - ECTS points
KIT scholarship holders can have parts of the Femtec Career-Building Program credited as curricular credits (e.g. as an equivalent to existing modules; as a rule, the credit points of the Innovation Workshop are used for this purpose) or interdisciplinary qualifications (e.g. key qualification / SQ).
Curricular achievement:
The examination secretariat responsible for the respective degree program is responsible for crediting as curricular credit. Please contact them in good time if you wish to have credits transferred and check the equivalence in consultation with the module coordinators.
Interdisciplinary qualification:
The House of Competence (HoC) is responsible for recognition as an interdisciplinary qualification. Please send a scan of your certificate in a short e-mail to
info-sq ∂does-not-exist.hoc kit edu Please note that the credits cannot be booked as additional credits (extracurricular credits) at KIT.
Dates & application periods
The online information event will take place on 29.04.2025 from 16-17 o'clock online via the following zoom link:
Click here to register.
Application period for Class 48 in the summer semester 2025:22.04.-11.05.2025
Assessment Center for KIT students:04.06.2025
The application and selection process is a two-stage procedure:
- Written online application including My Femtec Motivation, in which you introduce yourself personally and your motivation for the Femtec network and participation in the Career-Building Program, be it as a video, PDF or photo .
- After successful pre-selection, you will receive an invitation to an assessment center (AC) in Karlsruhe.
You can find detailed information about the online application and My Femtec Motivation here. Before applying, please check whether you meet the requirements for an application and have time on the school dates and the AC date (see News). You can find the current school dates here.
Requirements for a successful application:
- You are a student in a Master's program in the STEM field at KIT (or the other partner universities of the Femtec network).
- At the time of application, you should already be in your Master's program, ideally about 1.5 years before completing your studies.
- The language of instruction at the schools is English, so a good knowledge of English is essential. German language skills are not required, but are desirable.
- You can arrange the AC date and also have time on the specified school dates.
Personal aptitude:
- You are enthusiastic about topics from mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, energy or information technology, physics or other STEM specialties.
- You want to actively plan your career entry and your career and deepen important key skills.
- You are looking to exchange ideas with other female students and high potentials from the STEM field.
- You have a high level of motivation, commitment and willingness to perform.
- You work in a solution-oriented manner, have team spirit, a willingness to take responsibility and a creative drive.
- You want to contribute your talents and ideas to a renowned network.
Femtec.Alumnae e.V. (FTA for short) is the network for highly qualified, technology-enthusiastic and committed women with an academic background in STEM subjects. The vision of the FTA is to bring about a long-term change in thinking in society that leads to an individual and responsible shaping of the professional and private environment. The association was founded in 2008 by alumnae of Femtec GmbH's Career-Building Program and now has over 900 members worldwide. While the FTA offers further training courses, network meetings and coaching for its members, the network is decentralized in its many regional groups through regular activities. The Karlsruhe regional group brings together active Femtec scholarship holders from KIT, Femtec scholarship holders from other partner universities who are currently in Karlsruhe for an internship or a thesis, as well as Femtec alumnae working in companies in the Karlsruhe region. As a graduate of the Career-Building Program, you automatically receive the opportunity to become a member of the FTA and can participate in the meetings of the regional groups during your time as a scholarship holder. In this way, you will retain a strong network even after your time on the Career-Building Program and can continue to benefit from personal and professional exchange. The Karlsruhe regional group meets regularly on the 10th of every month for its regulars' table and also organizes other activities. An overview of all regional groups and contact details can be found
Impressions of the Femtec Career-Building Program
Here you will find information material for download as well as reports and audiovisual impressions and voices of the Career-Building Program.
Information material
Flyer Career-Building Program admission and examination regulations (as of February 2022)
Information on the application
- "Women do MINT" - The "Femtec Alumnae e. V." offers this podcast (on Spotify and Apple), in which committed women who are enthusiastic about technology and science give personal insights into their careers, among other things. It's worth a listen!
- Further education and scholarships Live broadcast on Campusradio Karlsruhe on the Bronnbach Scholarship, Femtec Career-Building Program and KompetenzKompass funding programs from October 4, 2017
- Women's high-tech power Broadcast on Radio KIT on July 19, 2012 Further information about Femtec.GmbH can befound here.