Take advantage of our digital opportunities to present your company

We also offer you the opportunity to easily draw attention to your company and specific events online.

We will be happy to publish your event advertisement in the job exchange, through which you can reach around 25,000 students. With your company profile you can present online who you are and what career opportunities there are in your company for KIT students. Or how about an event banner in the login area of the Career Service Portal?

Ein Mann steht vor einer großen Pinnwand und schaut auf alle Informationen StartupStockPhotos; Pixabay
Company profiles
Mikrophon auf der Bühne Unsplash / kane reinholdtsen
Event ads
Bewerbungsunterlagen KIT-Career-Service
Student profiles

Contact us

If you have any questions about booking, please contact: careerserviceportal∂kit.edu