Media-Center of IRM

Don't miss anything! We provide you with target group-oriented information about current events, exciting innovations, our founding teams, trends and much more. Click in. Newsletter, social media channels, and print products...

Whether KIT scientists have made a new invention, a current alumni meeting is taking place, or a new start-up team has been founded - in our media you will always find the most important news about the topics of innovation and relations management at KIT. Since we edit our diverse topics according to the target group, it is crucial that you choose the right channels for yourself. Subscribe to one or more of our five different newsletters, follow our social media profiles and get regularly updates and information.

All pages are visible to everyone even without logging in, but a separate profile is required for interactions. If you press the "Like" or "Follow" button, the posts and tweets appear in your news feed and you are always up to date.


Our Channels

Our channels for companies:
KIT Career Service Newsletter
The KIT Career Service company newsletter informs you four times a year about our offers in the areas of recruiting events, online recruiting, branding, campus advertising, and much more.
The free e-mail newsletter offers you regularly the latest, exclusively compiled information on technologies, events, projects, and events related to technology transfer at KIT. The focus is on current technology offers – market-oriented inventions and technical solutions from KIT.
Social Media       


Our channels for founders, those interested in startups and investors:

Newsletter KIT-Gründerschmiede

The newsletter of the KIT-Gründerschmiede is published monthly and provides information on the successes and developments of the supported startups as well as on current events, competitions and tenders in the local, regional and national startup scene.

The English version of the newsletter is published monthly on LinkedIn.

Newsletter Icon

Social Media

KIT-Gründerschmiede's social media channels keep you up to date with the startup community. Events and news of the community are shared on LinkedIn and Instagram and also news and successes of the supported teams are shown.

LinkedIn IconInstagram Icon


The team of the KIT-Gründerschmiede supports startups on their way - from the first business idea to the actual business. Their podcast is all about the experiences of others and real inspiration from founders. Every month the startup of the month is presented and experts are interviewed - on all topics from the startup scene.

The podcast is released every two weeks on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Spotify IconApple Podcasts Icon
Our channels for students

Newsletter KIT-Career-Service

The KIT-Career-Service informs in its newsletter four times a year about the topics application and career. In addition, there is information on current events, career fairs, application and career tips, literature recommendations, and much more.



Social media




Unsere Kanäle für Alumni:


You can find out everything you need to know about the KIT alumni network from our newsletter, which is published about five times a year. To subscribe, register in our network.

Social Media   
Our channels for employees
DE IRM has five different newsletters, one each for alumni, founders, students and two for companies. Depending on your interests, click into the respective target group above and feel free to subscribe to one or more of our newsletters. You might be interested in the newsletter RESEARCH TO BUSINESS, which presents exciting technology topics and transfer projects.
Social Media
The content and target groups of our social media channels are as colorful as our DE. Choose the channel that matches your interests. You can find us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, among others.

Print products

In our download area, you will find all of IRM's print products. Feel free to click through and download the appropriate product to browse.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions? Then please contact us. We look forward to the exchange.

Contact us

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