You are looking for an internship or a permanent position?

The KIT Career Service supports you in the search and preparation.

Students face a variety of challenges and receive special support at the KIT. The KIT Career Service accompanies students and doctoral candidates on all aspects of careers, internships and career entry. In addition, outstanding academic achievements can be rewarded through scholarship programs and awards. Students with an interest in starting a business also have access to individual advice and networking with the Karlsruhe start-up scene. From advice to alumni networks - KIT accompanies students along their path and creates a lifelong connection.

Bewerbungsunterlagen IRM
Application and Career
KIT Career Fair
Company event
Company meets Campus
Job Market
Leadership Talent Academy
Weltkugel KIT Career Service
Career Service Portal
Vergabefeier KIT Deutschlandstipendium KIT
KIT Deutschlandstipendium
KIT @KIT - Rabea Strauch
Kulturkreis Stipendium



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