Brief overview:
- Founders: 27 international research and teaching institutions (including KIT) and international industrial companies.
- Founded: 2010
- Homepage:
- Contact: ccgermany∂
- Domain: Knowledge and Innovation platform on the topic of "Sustainable Energy".
KIC InnoEnergy SE (SE = Societas Europae, a European public limited company) is a consortium of globally respected and proven successful European institutions in the energy sector. In total, the network comprises more than 30 shareholders and over 50 other partners... The partners - top companies, universities, research institutions, and business schools - all play a key international role in the field of energy research. KIT is one of the founding members.
KIC InnoEnergy is one of the three "KICs" (Knowledge and Innovation Communities) of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), an institute of the European Union. KIC InnoEnergy reinvests all generated surpluses to fulfill its mission: to be the driving force for innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy in Europe. The goal is to reduce costs in the energy value chain, increase safety and reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
In doing so, KIC InnoEnergy focuses on six thematic areas, each of which is coordinated by a regional node in the consortium:
• Clean Coal Technologies
• European Smart Electric Grids & Electric Storage
• Intelligent, energy-efficient buildings and cities
• Energy from chemical fuels
• Renewables
• Sustainable Nuclear & Renewable Energy Convergence