Speakers and guests

Doris Brenner


Freelance consultant specialising in personnel development and career counseling


Speaker in the module "Career Inside Yourself"

Johannes Lober M.A., MBA 


Managing Director of the Institute for Philosophy and Leadership (LETHOS)


Speaker in the module "Authentic Leadership" as well as in the academy "Leadership and Personality"

Further information about the speaker 

Dr. Norbert Copray 


Director of the Fairness Foundation


Speaker in the module "Good Leadership"

Further information about the speaker 

Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Klaus Leisinger 


President Globale Werte Allianz Foundation


Speaker in the module "Business Integrity"

Further information about the guest

Daniela Geraets

Entrepreneurial coach, consultant for agile methods and organizational development, communication trainer, entrepreneur for 12 years


Speaker in the module "Communication & Conflicts"

Astrid Böttger


Media coach, leadership trainer and expert for stress management, certified Search Inside Yourself trainer


Speaker in the module "Resilient Mind"

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel


Director of the Global Ethic Institute Tübingen (WEIT)


Speaker in the module "Digital Fairness"

Further information about the speaker 

Lena Held
Lena Held
Projectmanagement Leaderthip Talent Academy

+49 721 608-44169+49 172 7403852

Tabea Spitz
Project Assistant Leadership Talent Academy & Marketing

tabea spitz does-not-exist.kit edu