Gebäude 30.95, Seminarraum A/B
Rabea Strauch
Dein erster Eindruck zählt!
In Bewerbungen sind deine Unterlagen der Türöffner zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch. Und ein professionelles Bewerbungsfoto verleiht deiner Bewerbung eine persönliche Note, die im deutschen Bewerbungsumfeld immer noch geschätzt wird.
Damit dein Bewerbungsfoto wirklich deine Persönlichkeit widerspiegelt, rückt dich unsere erfahrene Fotografin ins beste Licht! Für 20 Euro Eigenbeteiligung (wir übernehmen den Rest) bekommst du 3 professionelle und nachbearbeitete Bilder. Im Titelbild siehst du, wie dein Bild aussehen könnte.
Du wählst bei der Anmeldung deinen Zeitslot aus Am Shootingtag shootest du 10 Minuten innerhalb deines Zeitslots und kannst in dieser Zeit sogar dein Outfit wechseln Anschließend wählst du gemeinsam mit der Fotografin 5 Minuten lang deine 3 Lieblingsbilder aus Deine nachbearbeiteten Bilder bekommst du spätestens 2 Wochen nach dem Shooting per E-Mail
Die Veranstaltung ist äußerst begehrt und richtet sich exklusiv an Studierende und Promovierende des KIT.
In Bewerbungen sind deine Unterlagen der Türöffner zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch. Und ein professionelles Bewerbungsfoto verleiht deiner Bewerbung eine persönliche Note, die im deutschen Bewerbungsumfeld immer noch geschätzt wird.
Damit dein Bewerbungsfoto wirklich deine Persönlichkeit widerspiegelt, rückt dich unsere erfahrene Fotografin ins beste Licht! Für 20 Euro Eigenbeteiligung (wir übernehmen den Rest) bekommst du 3 professionelle und nachbearbeitete Bilder. Im Titelbild siehst du, wie dein Bild aussehen könnte.
Du wählst bei der Anmeldung deinen Zeitslot aus Am Shootingtag shootest du 10 Minuten innerhalb deines Zeitslots und kannst in dieser Zeit sogar dein Outfit wechseln Anschließend wählst du gemeinsam mit der Fotografin 5 Minuten lang deine 3 Lieblingsbilder aus Deine nachbearbeiteten Bilder bekommst du spätestens 2 Wochen nach dem Shooting per E-Mail
Die Veranstaltung ist äußerst begehrt und richtet sich exklusiv an Studierende und Promovierende des KIT.
via MS Teams
Du möchtest während deines Studiums am KIT eine finanzielle Unterstützung erhalten? Du kannst gute Noten im Studium vorweisen und engagierst dich in deiner Freizeit ehrenamtlich? Dann könnte das Deutschlandstipendium das Richtige für dich sein!
Was beinhaltet das Deutschlandstipendium?
Eine Förderung umfasst 300 Euro pro Monat für die Dauer von einem Jahr. Die Stipendien werden zur Hälfte von Privatpersonen, Unternehmen oder Vereinen und zur anderen Hälfte vom Bund finanziert.
Wer hat Chancen auf ein Deutschlandstipendium?
Neben guten Noten zählen auch besondere Erfolge an Schulen und/oder Universität, gesellschaftliches Engagement sowie der Einsatz im sozialen Umfeld. Berücksichtigt wird auch die Überwindung besonderer biografischer Hürden, die sich aus der familiären oder kulturellen Herkunft ergeben.
Wo gibt es mehr Infos?
Tipps und Tricks für die erfolgreiche Bewerbung um ein Deutschlandstipendium erhältst du im Info-Webinar am 02.04.2025 von 14:00 – 14:45 Uhr.
Logge dich über den untenstehenden Teams-Link ein und stelle deine Fragen – Tanja Theurer und Vanessa Tadic vom KIT Deutschlandstipendium beraten dich gern!
► Hier geht’s zur Teams-Besprechung
Die Bewerbungsfrist für das Deutschlandstipendium ist vom 07.04. bis 24.4.2025!
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Building 01.52 (Gastdozentenhaus), Dürer-Saal
Meike von Platen-Holzapfel
This interactive workshop is one of two sessions, facilitated by Meike von Platen-Holzapfel, experienced HR specialist and career coach. With her tips and insights international students can kick-start their careers in the German job market.
Here’s a summary of what you can expect to gain from it:
Learn the specifics of how to apply for jobs in Germany and understand the recruiter's perspective Use tools to reflect your strengths and to assess your individual preferences Know how to emphasize your strenghts in the application documents Develop a personalized job search strategy, including where to look for jobs and how to identify your preferred employers and roles Learn how to tailor your CV to meet the expecations of German recruiters Gain skills to write a cover letter that showcases you as the perfect candidate This workshop will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the German job market confidently.
The second session "Job Interview Training" is taking place on the 21.05.2025. Both sessions can be visited separately.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Here’s a summary of what you can expect to gain from it:
Learn the specifics of how to apply for jobs in Germany and understand the recruiter's perspective Use tools to reflect your strengths and to assess your individual preferences Know how to emphasize your strenghts in the application documents Develop a personalized job search strategy, including where to look for jobs and how to identify your preferred employers and roles Learn how to tailor your CV to meet the expecations of German recruiters Gain skills to write a cover letter that showcases you as the perfect candidate This workshop will equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the German job market confidently.
The second session "Job Interview Training" is taking place on the 21.05.2025. Both sessions can be visited separately.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Building 11.40., Room 202
Sabine Reiser, KIT Career Service
Are you currently applying for jobs or internships, or have you already been invited to an interview?
Whether you're aiming for an internship or your first full-time position, this session will give you an overview of what matters most in a job interview and how to prepare effectively.
Once you've received the job offer, your first day is just around the corner. We’ll guide you on how to successfully navigate your first days in the new role.
At the end of the event, you'll have the chance to ask all your questions about applying for jobs or internships in Germany.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Whether you're aiming for an internship or your first full-time position, this session will give you an overview of what matters most in a job interview and how to prepare effectively.
Once you've received the job offer, your first day is just around the corner. We’ll guide you on how to successfully navigate your first days in the new role.
At the end of the event, you'll have the chance to ask all your questions about applying for jobs or internships in Germany.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Building 11.40., Room 202
Sabine Reiser, KIT Career Service
Are you currently applying for jobs or internships, or have you already been invited to an interview?
Whether you're aiming for an internship or your first full-time position, this session will give you an overview of what matters most in a job interview and how to prepare effectively.
Once you've received the job offer, your first day is just around the corner. We’ll guide you on how to successfully navigate your first days in the new role.
At the end of the event, you'll have the chance to ask all your questions about applying for jobs or internships in Germany.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Whether you're aiming for an internship or your first full-time position, this session will give you an overview of what matters most in a job interview and how to prepare effectively.
Once you've received the job offer, your first day is just around the corner. We’ll guide you on how to successfully navigate your first days in the new role.
At the end of the event, you'll have the chance to ask all your questions about applying for jobs or internships in Germany.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Du möchtest aktiv die Zukunft gestalten und Pionierin für eine vielfältigere und nachhaltigere Arbeitswelt werden? Du willst dich mit anderen engagierten Frauen aus dem MINT-Bereich austauschen, gegenseitig empowern und Unterstützung für dein Studium finden? Du studierst noch mindestens 1 Jahre im Master am KIT und bringst Deutschkenntnisse auf A2-Level mit? Dann aufgepasst:
Mit dem Femtec-Stipendium bieten wir dir persönliche Weiterentwicklung und ein lebenslanges Netzwerk. Das hauptsächlich englischsprachige Femtec Career-Building Programme unterstützt dich bei deiner individuellen Karriereplanung, connectet dich mit renommierten Unternehmen und ebnet den Weg für einen gelungenen Einstieg in ein erfülltes Arbeitsleben
Du vertiefst in zwei Schools innerhalb von 7 Monaten folgende Themen:
Career Development Innovation and Co-Creation Building Networks
In abwechslungsreichen Modulen trainierst du wichtige Hard- und Soft-Skills, lernst gleichgesinnte Frauen kennen und arbeitest im Innovation Lab agil an nachhaltigen Lösungen für Herausforderungen von morgen.
Du hast noch Fragen? Schau bei unserer Online-Info-Veranstaltung vorbei und erfahre aus erster Hand von aktuellen Stipendiatinnen mehr über das Programm.
Sarah Grötzinger - Career Coach, Trainer & Former Recruiter
You’ve probably heard that networking is key to landing great job opportunities, internships, or student jobs. But how do you actually build and leverage your network to find the right job?
If networking has felt like a mystery to you, this interactive 2-hour training will give you the tools and strategies to network with confidence.
What you will learn:
What networking REALLY means—beyond just collecting contacts How to make the most of your existing network and turn connections into opportunities How to strategically grow your online presence, especially on LinkedIn How to confidently approach decision-makers at career fairs and professional events Different types of networking opportunities to match your personality and comfort level
If you’ve ever thought your dream company was out of reach or didn’t have the right job openings, this training will show you how to connect with them in new and creative ways.
Join us and take control of your career through the power of networking!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
If networking has felt like a mystery to you, this interactive 2-hour training will give you the tools and strategies to network with confidence.
What you will learn:
What networking REALLY means—beyond just collecting contacts How to make the most of your existing network and turn connections into opportunities How to strategically grow your online presence, especially on LinkedIn How to confidently approach decision-makers at career fairs and professional events Different types of networking opportunities to match your personality and comfort level
If you’ve ever thought your dream company was out of reach or didn’t have the right job openings, this training will show you how to connect with them in new and creative ways.
Join us and take control of your career through the power of networking!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Wann: 6. - 7. Mai 2025, 12 - 17 Uhr
Wo: Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Was: Job-Open-Air für Studierende, Promovierende, Alumnae und Alumni des KIT
Wer: 100 Unternehmen und Institutionen pro Tag aus verschiedenen Branchen
Eintritt: frei und ohne Anmeldung!
Das KIT feiert und wir feiern mit! Das erwartet dich 2025 bei der KIT-Karrieremesse:
insgesamt 200 Unternehmen, so viel, wie das Jubiläum Jahre hat! Es erwarten dich wechselnd an jedem Messetag 100 Aussteller aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen entspanntes Open-Air-Flair für den Austausch auf Augenhöhe farbige Fachrichtungs-Sticker für die optimale Orientierung Beratung zu Lebenslauf & Co, Info-Talks und Tipps rund um Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg im offenen Studi-Zelt des Career Service jeden Tag ein leckeres Gratis-Essen* von ausgewählten Food-Trucks (*Foodcoins gibt es gegen Vorlage der KIT-Card/Studierendenausweis und nur solange der Vorrat reicht) ab März 2025: aktuelle Stellenangebote und Online-Unternehmensprofile der Messe-Unternehmen im Career-Service-Portal
Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch!
Wo: Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Was: Job-Open-Air für Studierende, Promovierende, Alumnae und Alumni des KIT
Wer: 100 Unternehmen und Institutionen pro Tag aus verschiedenen Branchen
Eintritt: frei und ohne Anmeldung!
Das KIT feiert und wir feiern mit! Das erwartet dich 2025 bei der KIT-Karrieremesse:
insgesamt 200 Unternehmen, so viel, wie das Jubiläum Jahre hat! Es erwarten dich wechselnd an jedem Messetag 100 Aussteller aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen entspanntes Open-Air-Flair für den Austausch auf Augenhöhe farbige Fachrichtungs-Sticker für die optimale Orientierung Beratung zu Lebenslauf & Co, Info-Talks und Tipps rund um Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg im offenen Studi-Zelt des Career Service jeden Tag ein leckeres Gratis-Essen* von ausgewählten Food-Trucks (*Foodcoins gibt es gegen Vorlage der KIT-Card/Studierendenausweis und nur solange der Vorrat reicht) ab März 2025: aktuelle Stellenangebote und Online-Unternehmensprofile der Messe-Unternehmen im Career-Service-Portal
Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch!
Festsaal Studentenhaus, Adenauerring 7, 76131 Karlsruhe (adjacent to the KIT Career Fair)
Together with the Welcome Center of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion, we cordially invite you to an inspiring event as part of our DAAD-funded project “Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe”.
As an international talent, you will gain valuable insights and guidance for your career start in Germany. Be inspired by experts, alumni and successful career paths and take advantage of the advisory service provided by KIT's internal institutions and external partners on the subject of working in Germany. Network with key players in the region and discover exciting career opportunities!
What can you expect?
Welcome Moderated panel discussion on the topic of starting a career in Germany: recruiters and KIT alumni share valuable insights on the topic of starting a career in Germany. Presentation of services: within the project Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe, KIT-internal institutions and partners such as the Federal Employment Agency. Market of opportunities: Use themed bar tables to talk directly to experts, recruiters and alumni and ask your questions.
Who is this event for?
International students of the KIT and the Hochschule Karlsruhe International graduates of KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe up to one year after graduation International doctoral candidates International postdocs
Find out about your career in Germany at this event! Even if you are still at the beginning of your studies, the event is valuable for you - you will find out early on how you can prepare your career in Germany at the start of your studies.
This event is part of the KIT project “Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe”. This project supports international students and graduates in their studies at KIT and in their transition to a career in Germany. More information about the project can be found here.
As an international talent, you will gain valuable insights and guidance for your career start in Germany. Be inspired by experts, alumni and successful career paths and take advantage of the advisory service provided by KIT's internal institutions and external partners on the subject of working in Germany. Network with key players in the region and discover exciting career opportunities!
What can you expect?
Welcome Moderated panel discussion on the topic of starting a career in Germany: recruiters and KIT alumni share valuable insights on the topic of starting a career in Germany. Presentation of services: within the project Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe, KIT-internal institutions and partners such as the Federal Employment Agency. Market of opportunities: Use themed bar tables to talk directly to experts, recruiters and alumni and ask your questions.
Who is this event for?
International students of the KIT and the Hochschule Karlsruhe International graduates of KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe up to one year after graduation International doctoral candidates International postdocs
Find out about your career in Germany at this event! Even if you are still at the beginning of your studies, the event is valuable for you - you will find out early on how you can prepare your career in Germany at the start of your studies.
This event is part of the KIT project “Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe”. This project supports international students and graduates in their studies at KIT and in their transition to a career in Germany. More information about the project can be found here.
Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Wann: 6. - 7. Mai 2025, 12 - 17 Uhr
Wo: Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Was: Job-Open-Air für Studierende, Promovierende, Alumnae und Alumni des KIT
Wer: 100 Unternehmen und Institutionen pro Tag aus verschiedenen Branchen
Eintritt: frei und ohne Anmeldung!
Das KIT feiert und wir feiern mit! Das erwartet dich 2025 bei der KIT-Karrieremesse:
insgesamt 200 Unternehmen, so viel, wie das Jubiläum Jahre hat! Es erwarten dich wechselnd an jedem Messetag 100 Aussteller aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen entspanntes Open-Air-Flair für den Austausch auf Augenhöhe farbige Fachrichtungs-Sticker für die optimale Orientierung Beratung zu Lebenslauf & Co, Info-Talks und Tipps rund um Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg im offenen Studi-Zelt des Career Service jeden Tag ein leckeres Gratis-Essen* von ausgewählten Food-Trucks (*Foodcoins gibt es gegen Vorlage der KIT-Card/Studierendenausweis und nur solange der Vorrat reicht) ab März 2025: aktuelle Stellenangebote und Online-Unternehmensprofile der Messe-Unternehmen im Career-Service-Portal
Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch!
Wo: Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Was: Job-Open-Air für Studierende, Promovierende, Alumnae und Alumni des KIT
Wer: 100 Unternehmen und Institutionen pro Tag aus verschiedenen Branchen
Eintritt: frei und ohne Anmeldung!
Das KIT feiert und wir feiern mit! Das erwartet dich 2025 bei der KIT-Karrieremesse:
insgesamt 200 Unternehmen, so viel, wie das Jubiläum Jahre hat! Es erwarten dich wechselnd an jedem Messetag 100 Aussteller aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen entspanntes Open-Air-Flair für den Austausch auf Augenhöhe farbige Fachrichtungs-Sticker für die optimale Orientierung Beratung zu Lebenslauf & Co, Info-Talks und Tipps rund um Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg im offenen Studi-Zelt des Career Service jeden Tag ein leckeres Gratis-Essen* von ausgewählten Food-Trucks (*Foodcoins gibt es gegen Vorlage der KIT-Card/Studierendenausweis und nur solange der Vorrat reicht) ab März 2025: aktuelle Stellenangebote und Online-Unternehmensprofile der Messe-Unternehmen im Career-Service-Portal
Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch!
Building 11.40, Room 231
Julia Neer, KIT-Career-Service
LinkedIn is more than just an online resume—it’s a powerful tool for networking, job searching, and building your personal brand. Whether you're looking for an internship, a full-time job, or just want to expand your professional network, this session will help you make the most of LinkedIn!
Join us for an interactive workshop where you'll learn:
How to create a professional LinkedIn profile that stands out Strategies to connect with recruiters, alumni, and industry professionals How to use LinkedIn effectively for job and internship searches Best practices for messaging recruiters and increasing your visibility
This session is designed for international students and graduates who want to improve their career prospects and make valuable connections in the job market. No prior LinkedIn experience needed—just bring your curiosity and a willingness to learn!
Don’t miss this opportunity to take your career to the next level!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can enroll on the waiting list and will be informed a few days before start if they can attend.
Join us for an interactive workshop where you'll learn:
How to create a professional LinkedIn profile that stands out Strategies to connect with recruiters, alumni, and industry professionals How to use LinkedIn effectively for job and internship searches Best practices for messaging recruiters and increasing your visibility
This session is designed for international students and graduates who want to improve their career prospects and make valuable connections in the job market. No prior LinkedIn experience needed—just bring your curiosity and a willingness to learn!
Don’t miss this opportunity to take your career to the next level!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT and Hochschule Karlsruhe are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can enroll on the waiting list and will be informed a few days before start if they can attend.
Building 11.40, Room 231
Meike von Platen-Holzapfel
This interactive workshop is one of two sessions, facilitated by Meike von Platen-Holzapfel, experienced HR specialist and career coach. With her tips and insights, international students can kick-start their careers in Germany.
Here’s a summary of what you can expect to gain from it:
Understand what to expect in a job interview and gain insights into the employer’s perspective Learn the dos & don’ts of job interviews in Germany and how to handle critical situations Present yourself effectively, both verbally and non-verbally (including dress code) Prepare to answer difficult questions, including those about salary Utilize a checklist for thorough preparation and follow-up
This workshop will prepare you to convince in job interviews in Germany. This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Here’s a summary of what you can expect to gain from it:
Understand what to expect in a job interview and gain insights into the employer’s perspective Learn the dos & don’ts of job interviews in Germany and how to handle critical situations Present yourself effectively, both verbally and non-verbally (including dress code) Prepare to answer difficult questions, including those about salary Utilize a checklist for thorough preparation and follow-up
This workshop will prepare you to convince in job interviews in Germany. This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
KIT, Campus Süd
Gebäude 11.40, Tulla-Halle …
Gebäude 11.40, Tulla-Halle …
Wie führen Frauen? Wie kann für sie der Weg in die Führungsposition aussehen? Und welche Herausforderungen warten auf weibliche Führungskräfte? Bei einer Podiumsdiskussion berichten Alumnae des KIT in Führungspositionen von ihrem Weg und davon, wie sie Hürden gemeistert haben. Darauf folgt Zeit für Fragen und zum Networking. Ein inspierender Abend auf Augenhöhe - für Studierende, Alumnae und Alumni und alle, die neue Perspektiven und Austausch schätzen.
Xiaoqun Clever-Steg; BHP: Member of the Board of Directors
Svenja Huber; TRUMPF: Head of Supplier Management EUV
Anja Neubert ; Bosch: Director Divisional Strategy
Veranstaltungssprache: Deutsch
Xiaoqun Clever-Steg; BHP: Member of the Board of Directors
Svenja Huber; TRUMPF: Head of Supplier Management EUV
Anja Neubert ; Bosch: Director Divisional Strategy
Veranstaltungssprache: Deutsch
Fareen Shaikh
Do you want to get more of what you want? Nobody is a born negotiator, it is a learned behaviour. However, everyone is a negotiator as we negotiate every day both in business and in our everyday life. Negotiations are like any other sport, if you practice it daily you can become a good negotiator.
By enhancing your negotiation skills, you can get more of what you want. Salary negotiations are one of the most important negotiations you will encounter in life as it has a part in creating your future why should you settle for less if you could get more? Learning the fundamentals of negotiation is thus essential.
This workshop will be focused on salary negotiations in particular and covers the fundamentals of:
Understanding and addressing the common negotiation hurdles
Components of a job offer Principles and preparation of salary negotiations Communication during a negotiation Best practises, techniques & scripts
Please make sure that you can take part actively, that means, using your camera and microphone.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
By enhancing your negotiation skills, you can get more of what you want. Salary negotiations are one of the most important negotiations you will encounter in life as it has a part in creating your future why should you settle for less if you could get more? Learning the fundamentals of negotiation is thus essential.
This workshop will be focused on salary negotiations in particular and covers the fundamentals of:
Understanding and addressing the common negotiation hurdles
Components of a job offer Principles and preparation of salary negotiations Communication during a negotiation Best practises, techniques & scripts
Please make sure that you can take part actively, that means, using your camera and microphone.
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Julia Neer, KIT-Career-Service
Are you looking to gain work experience in Germany but don’t know where to start? This workshop is for you!
We will give you an overview of the German job market, show you the best job search strategies, and help you create application documents that meet German standards. You will also learn how to use networking effectively to access hidden job opportunities.
What to expect:
Overview: Internships, student assistant jobs and working student positions in Germany German application standards: How to write a CV and cover letter Job search strategies: Where to find opportunities and how to apply Networking: How to use LinkedIn, career fairs and alumni networks Practical tips & Q&A for your individual job search
Sign up now and take the first step toward your career in Germany!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
We will give you an overview of the German job market, show you the best job search strategies, and help you create application documents that meet German standards. You will also learn how to use networking effectively to access hidden job opportunities.
What to expect:
Overview: Internships, student assistant jobs and working student positions in Germany German application standards: How to write a CV and cover letter Job search strategies: Where to find opportunities and how to apply Networking: How to use LinkedIn, career fairs and alumni networks Practical tips & Q&A for your individual job search
Sign up now and take the first step toward your career in Germany!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Sarah Grötzinger, Career Coach, Trainer and former recruiter
Finding a job or internship in Germany as an international student can feel overwhelming—but it doesn’t have to be!
In this 30-minute webinar + Q&A, you’ll learn 10 essential steps to successfully navigate the German job market, including:
Discovering yourself – clarify your career goals, strengths, skills, and motivation to create a clear job search strategy Smart networking strategies to connect with the right people and expand your opportunities How to go beyond job boards and access the hidden job market in Germany Key steps to position yourself as a strong candidate for German employers
Get insider tips, ask your questions, and take control of your career path in Germany!
Join us and start building your future today
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
In this 30-minute webinar + Q&A, you’ll learn 10 essential steps to successfully navigate the German job market, including:
Discovering yourself – clarify your career goals, strengths, skills, and motivation to create a clear job search strategy Smart networking strategies to connect with the right people and expand your opportunities How to go beyond job boards and access the hidden job market in Germany Key steps to position yourself as a strong candidate for German employers
Get insider tips, ask your questions, and take control of your career path in Germany!
Join us and start building your future today
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Sarah Grötzinger, Career Coach, Trainer and former recruiter
You’ve secured a job in Germany—now what? Standing out and making an impact in the workplace is key to unlocking promotions and future career opportunities.
In this 30-minute webinar + Q&A, you’ll learn proven strategies to create visibility and position yourself for success, including:
Building your professional brand – identify your strengths, expertise, and unique value in the workplace Standing out in meetings – communicate with confidence and make your contributions count Fact-based self-promotion – showcase your achievements in an authentic way that feels natural, not boastful Taking on new challenges strategically – seize opportunities that accelerate your career growth
Learn how to get noticed for the right reasons and set yourself up for long-term success in Germany!
Join us and take your career to the next level!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
In this 30-minute webinar + Q&A, you’ll learn proven strategies to create visibility and position yourself for success, including:
Building your professional brand – identify your strengths, expertise, and unique value in the workplace Standing out in meetings – communicate with confidence and make your contributions count Fact-based self-promotion – showcase your achievements in an authentic way that feels natural, not boastful Taking on new challenges strategically – seize opportunities that accelerate your career growth
Learn how to get noticed for the right reasons and set yourself up for long-term success in Germany!
Join us and take your career to the next level!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Als Studierende:r oder Absolvent:in wirst Du zukünftig nicht nur mit Deinen spezifischen Fachskills im Arbeits- und Bewerbungsprozess punkten. Digitaler Wandel, Globalisierung, Entwicklung immer neuer Technologien – all das verändert Arbeitsprozesse und demzufolge Erwartungen an Dich fortwährend.
Die Schlüsselqualifikationen, die Dich dabei unterstützen, sind Deine Future Skills!
Im Vortrag lernst Du zwei aktuelle Modelle kennen, die sich auf individuell entwicklungsbezogene und digitale Future Skills beziehen.
In Calls-to-Action kannst Du mittels Selbstbeobachtung und kollegialem Feedback überprüfen, welche Future Skills du bereits in Deinem Handlungsrepertoire hast – und wo Du noch Entwicklungspotenzial siehst.
Bianca Sievert unterstützt Menschen und Organisationen seit rund 25 Jahren bei ihrer Entwicklung – im Bereich der Future Skills, bei Karrierefragen und in der Hochschuldidaktik.
Die Schlüsselqualifikationen, die Dich dabei unterstützen, sind Deine Future Skills!
Im Vortrag lernst Du zwei aktuelle Modelle kennen, die sich auf individuell entwicklungsbezogene und digitale Future Skills beziehen.
In Calls-to-Action kannst Du mittels Selbstbeobachtung und kollegialem Feedback überprüfen, welche Future Skills du bereits in Deinem Handlungsrepertoire hast – und wo Du noch Entwicklungspotenzial siehst.
Bianca Sievert unterstützt Menschen und Organisationen seit rund 25 Jahren bei ihrer Entwicklung – im Bereich der Future Skills, bei Karrierefragen und in der Hochschuldidaktik.
Du kannst online verschiedene Plattformen und Netzwerktools (z.B. Jobbörsen, LinkedIn, Xing, X …) zur aktiven Stellensuche nutzen. Dabei hast auch die Möglichkeit, Dich finden zu lassen (Active Sourcing).
Damit Du Angebote bekommen kannst bzw. die ‚richtigen‘ Personen auf Dich aufmerksam werden, brauchst Du die passenden Keywords in Deinem Profil: Dafür solltest Du Deine Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen kennen und aussagekräftig platzieren.
Im Vortrag erfährst Du, was Active Sourcing bedeutet und warum das sinnvoll für die Jobsuche ist.
Es geht auch um Sichtbarkeit und Profile (Wissenschaft und Business) im Netz. Ein weiteres Thema ist die exemplarische Analyse von LinkedIn: Du bekommst Tipps und Tricks für den Aufbau des Profils und die Relevanz von Keywords.
In Calls-to-Action kannst Du Dich im Vortrag aktiv einbringen und Deine Fragen stellen.
Bianca Sievert unterstützt Menschen und Organisationen seit rund 25 Jahren bei ihrer Entwicklung – im Bereich der Future Skills, bei Karrierefragen und in der Hochschuldidaktik.
Building 11.40, Room 231
Julia Neer, KIT-Career-Service
Are you looking to gain work experience in Germany but don’t know where to start? This workshop is for you!
We will give you an overview of the German job market, show you the best job search strategies, and help you create application documents that meet German standards. You will also learn how to use networking effectively to access hidden job opportunities.
What to expect:
Overview: Internships, student assistant jobs and working student positions in Germany German application standards: How to write a CV and cover letter Job search strategies: Where to find opportunities and how to apply Networking: How to use LinkedIn, career fairs and alumni networks Practical tips & Q&A for your individual job search
Sign up now and take the first step toward your career in Germany!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
We will give you an overview of the German job market, show you the best job search strategies, and help you create application documents that meet German standards. You will also learn how to use networking effectively to access hidden job opportunities.
What to expect:
Overview: Internships, student assistant jobs and working student positions in Germany German application standards: How to write a CV and cover letter Job search strategies: Where to find opportunities and how to apply Networking: How to use LinkedIn, career fairs and alumni networks Practical tips & Q&A for your individual job search
Sign up now and take the first step toward your career in Germany!
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Building 11.40, Room 231
Julia Neer, KIT-Career-Service
Prepare for your next job interview by joining our Mock Interview Training! In this interactive session, you'll have the opportunity to practice typical interview questions, receive valuable feedback, and improve your skills to succeed in job interviews.
What to expect:
Theory Input: An overview of common interview questions and effective response strategies Practical Exercise: Interviews in small groups with role changes (interviewee, interviewer, observer) Feedback: Constructive feedback that will help you become more confident and successful in job interviews
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
What to expect:
Theory Input: An overview of common interview questions and effective response strategies Practical Exercise: Interviews in small groups with role changes (interviewee, interviewer, observer) Feedback: Constructive feedback that will help you become more confident and successful in job interviews
This training is funded by the DAAD project ‘Study, stay, succeed in Karlsruhe’. International students intending to graduate at KIT are given priority for a place as well as graduates up to 1 year after graduation.
Non-international students can also enroll and will be placed at the waiting list. We inform them a few days before start, if there are places left for non-international students and if they can attend.
Franziska Schmaltz
KIT-Career-Service Karriereberatung
KIT-Career-Service Karriereberatung
+49 721 608-45661
franziska schmaltz ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
07.07 Campus Süd